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Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 2:53:47 UTC
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Thursday th 1st of June 2023
Older people need a stronger media voice, say Australian study
- 13:52
Mining atlas helps map Australia's clean energy future
- 13:52
Calculating the effects of a climate transition in India
- 13:52
Study tracks how adaptations to living in cold climate promoted social evolution in Asian colobine primates
- 13:22
Primates' DNA highlights applications for human health
- 13:22
Tiny quantum electronic vortexes can circulate in superconductors in ways not seen before
- 13:22
X-rays visualize how one of nature's strongest bonds breaks
- 13:22
Using a gene-editing tool to improve productivity in rice crops
- 13:22
Teachers reluctant to use technology in music teaching, say experts
- 12:53
Ancient viruses discovered in coral symbionts' DNA
- 12:52
Firms withheld pesticide toxicity data from EU: study
- 12:22
Honey bee colony aggression linked to gene regulatory networks
- 12:22
Repurposing Australian tobacco plants as 'biofactories' for medicines
- 11:53
Why 40°C is bearable in a desert but lethal in the tropics
- 11:53
Report: Financial tools needed to pay $200 billion nature restoration in Southeast Asia
- 11:53
Engineers report low-cost human biomarker sensor designs
- 11:53
Finding more effective ways to combat leishmaniasis by working with parasites
- 11:53
'An exciting possibility': Scientists discover markedly different kangaroos on either side of Australia's dingo fence
- 11:53
Why allowing more migrants into the US could boost the economy
- 11:53
Northsiders are more connected to nature than southsiders, Melbourne study suggests
- 11:53
Study finds weedy seadragons genetically connected across the Great Southern Reef
- 11:53
Integrating robotics into wildlife conservation: Enhancing predator deterrents through innovative movement strategies
- 11:53
Most super-rich couples have breadwinning husbands and stay-at-home wives, contrasting sharply with everyone else
- 11:53
High-resolution images reveal workings of a bacterial RNA riboswitch, a promising new target for antibiotics
- 11:53
Q&A: Are liberals truly more depressed than conservatives?
- 11:52
Study finds forest protection successfully leads to reduced emissions at global scale
- 11:23
How food insecurity affects people's rights to choose whether or not to have children, and how they parent
- 10:32
Recycling: what you can and can't recycle and why it's so confusing
- 10:32
First soil map of terrestrial and blue carbon highlights need for conservation
- 10:32
Optical effect advances quantum computing with atomic qubits to a new dimension
- 10:32
Government body warns of increased health threats from climate change in Germany
- 10:32
A not-so-selfish 'genetic parasite' helps to preserve fertility
- 10:03
Using magnetic nanoparticles as a rapid test for sepsis
- 10:03
Treatment creates steel alloys with superior strength and plasticity
- 10:03
Researchers find a way to reduce the overheating of semiconductor devices
- 10:03
The 'breath' between atoms—a new building block for quantum technology
- 10:03
Researchers cultivate archaea that break down crude oil in novel ways
- 10:03
Quantifying mangroves' value as a climate solution and economic engine
- 10:03
Chemists develop a new class of antibiotics to fight resistant bacteria
- 09:33
Astrophysicists confirm the faintest galaxy ever seen in the early universe
- 09:33
New theory may explain Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere and the late evolution of animal life
- 09:33
Flat fullerene fragments attractive to electrons, shows study
- 09:33
Droughts increasingly reduce carbon dioxide uptake in the tropics, finds study
- 09:33
Supercomputer simulations provide a better picture of the sun's magnetic field
- 09:03
Japan reports warmest spring on record
- 09:03
New study explains interaction between quantized vortices and normal fluids
- 09:03
New hot DOG in the sky: Astronomers discover a hot-dust-obscured galaxy
- 08:32
Ticks prove resilient to extreme temperatures
- 08:02
Study examines how DNA damage is repaired by antioxidant enzymes
- 05:03
Petit-spot volcanoes involve deepest known submarine hydrothermal activity, may release methane
- 04:13
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