
Monday th 4th of May 2009

New data analysis shows possible link between childhood obesity and allergies - 10:42

When atoms getting close: Shortest carbon-chlorine single bond detected - 10:16

Scientists investigate estrogen, heart disease connection in women - 10:16

Electronic prescribing systems boost efficiency, may lead to improved quality of care - 10:16

African-American women still have poorer breast cancer outcomes - 10:15

Children who view adult-targeted TV may become sexually active earlier in life - 10:15

Singers tell Congress: Money (That's What I Want) - 10:14

Hospital volume inconsistent predictor of quality care - 09:51

Decreasing deer damage - 09:51

Stretchable Nanotube Films May Advance Medical Electronics - 09:51

Stopgap DNA repair needs a second step - 09:28

Protecting fresh-cut produce - 09:28

Crop models help increase yield per unit of water used - 09:28

New insight into Alzheimer's disease pathology - 09:28

Study shows texting while driving can be deadly - 09:07

Tree survival skills: Stresses during handling and transport affect tree health - 09:07

White blood cells move like millipedes, scientists show - 09:07

Seismic recordings of rockfall a step toward early-warning system in Yosemite - 08:42

Travelers save money, make friends through global Web site - 08:21

Japan to start developing swine flu vaccine - 08:00

Scientists finding sink holes in Great Lakes - 08:00

China triples wind power capacity goal: report - 07:36

SKorea and US forge deal to fight cyber attacks - 07:35

Injectable testosterone may provide effective male contraception - 07:35

Leading US health expert urging cautious approach - 07:14

Late motherhood boosts family lifespan - 05:21

Extra payments to Medicare Advantage plans to total $11.4 billion in 2009 - 05:21

Study: Furniture tip-over injuries rising - 05:21

Swine flu goes person-to-pig; What's next? - 05:21

Psyched out by stereotypes: Research suggests thinking about the positive - 04:56

Memory grows less efficient very early in Alzheimer's disease - 04:56

Study Finds that Styrofoam Increases Biodiesel Power Output - 04:35

Sunday th 3rd of May 2009

Ethanol test for Obama on climate change, science - 17:42

US flu tally jumps to 226 as labs catch up - 17:42

New swine flu cases in Europe, US, Latin America - 17:42

Small molecules might block mutant protein production in Huntington's disease - 17:21

Biologists find birdsong of isolates reverts to norm over several generations (w/Audio) - 17:21

Genetic study confirms the immune system's role in narcolepsy - 17:21

Neuroscientists discover long-term potentiation in the olfactory bulb - 17:21

Process controlling T cell growth and production identified - 17:21

Women more vulnerable to tobacco carcinogens, new results show - 17:21

Personalized treatment for early lung cancer - 17:21

Moving gene therapy forward with mobile DNA - 17:21

Austrian breakthrough in quantum cryptography: report - 17:21

Nanotechnology holds promise for STD drug delivery - 16:35

Women live longer, not better, largely because of obesity and arthritis - 04:35

Super-sensors to measure 'signature' of inflationary universe - 04:35

Early detection of lung cancer - 04:35

Simple clinical interventions improve patient safety - 04:35

Scientists trace ancestry of swine flu virus to 1998 outbreak - 04:35