Video: "Sea Kites" Could Harness Tidal Energy For Future Power Plants
Sea Kites An artist's rendering shows sea kites harnessing the power of ocean tides. They would be tethered to a power station on the ocean floor. Courtsey Minesto A new underwater kite being developed in Sweden could be a low-cost, low-impact method for harnessing ocean energy. Swedish start-up Minesto has obtained $2.5 million to start testing the kite in Northern Ireland next year. The kite, called Deep Green, is able to capture tidal energy at 10 times the speed of the water in which it operates. It consists of a 3-foot-long turbine attached to a rudder and a 39-foot wingspan, tethered to the ocean floor with a 330-foot cable, according to CNN. The turbine rotates quickly and doesn't require a gear box, making it lighter and cheaper than other alternatives, according to Minesto representatives. The key is the tether -- anchoring and steering the kite allows it to capture much more energy....