Six Quiet Climate Villians
Brick Tamland, James Inhofe, and a Cow Cow: Keven Law/Flickr, BY-SAUnder-the-radar polluters, and the individuals doing their best to hold climate science back If you're reading PopSci, you probably already know all about the latest efforts to offset carbon dioxide emissions, engineer clean building materials and combat pollution from traditional energy sources like coal and oil. But you may be less aware of the more insidious climate villains--the quieter ones, which aren't necessarily belching toxic gases or currently destroying the Gulf of Mexico. Their damage is more indirect, but that doesn't make it less harmful. A problem as immense as climate change stretches beyond the obvious. Did you know, for instance, that your TV weather man (or woman) likely doesn't believe in climate change? Were you aware that the sirloin steak at your favorite chop house is a bigger contributor to global warming than your car? Sure, we've made great strides...