Fighting Drugs With Drugs: An Obscure Hallucinogen Gains Legitimacy as a Solution for Addictions
Giving a heroin addict one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs seems like a bad idea. Yet that's exactly what a group of scientists will do this month. Ibogaine, they say, might be the best way to break drug addicts of their habit. Ibogaine, a brown powder derived from the African Tabernathe iboga plant, has intrigued researchers since 1962, when Howard Lotsof, a student at New York University and an opiate addict, found that a single dose erased his drug cravings without causing any withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, the hallucinogen can increase the risk of cardiac arrest, and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency lists it as a Schedule 1 substance, a classification for drugs like ecstasy and LSD with "no known medical value" and "high potential for abuse," making it difficult to get federal funding to run clinical trials. Ibogaine Roots: Laurent Sazy/FedephotoAnimal tests, however, have shown the drug's medicinal promise. "Rats...