Video: Gray Matter Is Big in Japan
Matchup of the Mad Scientists Jon Arvizu/Courtesy NTVOur columnist heads to the Far East to prove that he's the world's greatest mad scientist. Every month for the past seven years, I've undertaken some experiment-entertaining you, dear readers, by risking my life with dangerous chemicals. But this month I conducted an experiment of an entirely different kind: I went in front of a live audience on a popular Japanese variety show and risked their lives with dangerous chemicals. Japanese TV shows can be really bizarre, so it was with some trepidation and a good bit of background research that I accepted the invitation to appear on The Most Useful School in the World, a show hosted by Mr. Sakai, a sort of Japanese Dick Clark. The show involves "teachers" giving classroom lessons to "students" who are actually minor celebrities. I was a teacher for the science class. But the real point...