Did Stem Cell Therapy Repair Bartolo Colon's Broken Pitching Arm?
Cy Young-winning pitcher Bartolo Colon is back in a big way this season, having claimed a spot in the New York Yankees starting rotation after not throwing a pitch during the 2010 season following elbow surgery and the usual shoulder problems that accompany a career as a major league fastballer. But controversy is brewing over his bounce-back season, as it has come to light that his shoulder and elbow were last year injected with Colon's own stem cells. Stem cell treatments like this are of dubious clinical efficacy but are not banned by Major League Baseball. However, they are part of a growing grey area in professional sports wherein athletes receive questionable treatments that don't violate the rules outright but may or may not offer them a competitive advantage. Related ArticlesA Squirt of Stem Cell Gel Heals Brain InjuriesStem Cells Shown to Restore Sight To Eyes Damaged By BurnsScientists Turn Liposuction Leftovers...