We Need a League Of Performance-Enhanced Athletes
The use of performance enhancers in sports is inevitable. Celebrating it instead of banning it would make competition safer, more honest, and more fun Sports are supposed to be pure-that's why there are rules and referees; that's why the first Olympians competed in the nude. It's also the reason that the federal government is spending millions and millions of dollars investigating a famous cyclist who has, after a decade of denials and countless drug tests, returned to the center of sports scandal. It must be summer, since Lance and doping have returned to the national discussion. It's only natural that when we discover our heroes have injected chemicals into their veins for a competitive edge (and I'm not saying Lance has, only that it's looking increasingly difficult for him to prove that he hasn't) we find them tainted and strip them of medals and put an asterisk by their names. Doping...