Fermilab Sets End-of-Moth Deadline to Establish Whether or Not the Higgs Boson Exists
Fermilab's Tevatron Collider DOE Fermilab's Tevatron collider runs out of money and time at the end of this month, but physicists there say that they are on track to establish whether the Higgs can exist within the most likely predicted mass range before their September 30 deadline. That's not the same as actually finding the Higgs boson of course, but physicists say they'll either rule out the possibility of its existence or not by month's end. The Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle," is the most important missing piece in the Standard Model of particle physics and the theoretical particle thought to imbue all other particles with mass (that's important). Tevatron has been in competition with CERN's Large Hadron Collider to find the Higgs first--if it really exists, that is--but so far the God particle eludes physicists at both facilities. However, the Higgs window is narrowing. Through trillions of particle...