There Is a Super-Entity Inside the Human Brain
Rich Clubs in the Human Connectome This image shows the group connectome, with the nodes and connections colored according to their rich-club participation. Green represents few connections. Red represents the most. Van den Heuvel, et al. The Journal of Neuroscience 2011 Super-entities are not just limited to dominance of the globe. Just as the economy is intertwined and largely controlled by a small and powerful core network, so too is your brain. Researchers have long known that some areas of the brain are deeply connected to other regions - but now a team from Indiana University and the Netherlands says these connected brain regions form strong connections to each other, creating a cerebral "rich club." This club comprises 12 hub regions, which the researchers say are involved in complex human behavior and cognitive tasks. If any of the members of this club were damaged, the effects would be wide-ranging; if...