Early Lives Of The Scientists: Teen Isaac Newton Admits to His Sins
Isaac Newton Sir Godfrey Kneller The Newton Project, a UK organization that's putting the complete works of Isaac Newton online, is featuring an amazing list of 48 "sins" that 19-year-old Isaac committed in 1662, according to a list he wrote. The young genius was both very pious and very peevish, having punched his sister, poked Iohn Keys with a pin, and even threatened to burn down his stepfather's house. And all this before Whitsunday! Here is the complete, and completely scandalous, list: Vsing the word (God) openly Eating an apple at Thy house Making a feather while on Thy day Denying that I made it. Making a mousetrap on Thy day Contriving of the chimes on Thy day Squirting water on Thy day Making pies on Sunday night Swimming in a kimnel on Thy day Putting a pin in Iohn Keys hat on Thy day to pick him. Carelessly hearing and committing many sermons11 Refusing to go to the close...