Hilarious "Theory of Everything" Paper Provokes Kerfuffle
Andrulis's Gyre Erik D. AndrulisJournal editor resigns after publishing "an incommensurable, trans-disciplinary, neologistical, axiomatic theory of life from quantum gravity to the living cell" Erik Andrulis, an assistant professor of molecular at Case Western University, has published an article in a new peer-reviewed journal called Life. His "theoretical framework," he says, "unifies the macrocosmic and microcosmic realms, validates predicted laws of nature, and solves the puzzle of the origin and evolution of cellular life in the universe." The paper lays out a completely new way of answering the most basic questions of our universe. "In this work," it reads, "I have pursued and arrived at a scientific answer to the Schrödingerian question, 'What is Life?'" That answer has something to do with "gyres." "The central idea of this theory is that all physical reality, stretching from the so-called inanimate into the animate realm and from micro- to meso-...