Q&A: The Surprising Phenomenon of Exercise-Induced Orgasms
A first-person coregasm testimonial According to a new study by sex researchers at the Indiana University, women having orgasms during exercise is a real phenomenon. As far as the researchers know, this is the first study that deals directly with exercise-induced orgasms (EIO), known colloquially as "coregasms" because they tend to occur during core-strengthening workouts, like sit-ups and crunches. Coregasms began making the rounds on the internet and in women's magazines back in 2007, when an editor at Men's Health blogged about them. But as far back as 1953, a study by pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey found that 5 percent of women experienced orgasms during exercise, and that figure was likely low because the researchers hadn't asked about EIOs specifically. Debby Herbenick, the research scientist at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute who co-authored the new study, says we still don't know how common EIOs are, but we know that they exist. The...