Nanocomposite Cavity Filler Reverses Decay, Killing Bacteria and Regenerating Tooth Structure
Fighting Tooth Decay U.S. Navy Dentists may soon be getting a potent new weapons with which to wage the global fight against cavities. The University of Maryland has developed a novel new nanocomposite material that can be used not only as filling for cavities, but that will also kill any remaining bacteria in the tooth and regenerate the actual structure lost to decay. The nanocomposite is made up of silver nanoparticles and calcium phosphate nanoparticles, both of which are piped into the tooth as filler for a cavity. The silver nanoparticles along with a few other ingredients in the material kill off whatever bacteria is still lingering inside the tooth, paving the way for the calcium phosphate to regenerate tooth minerals. Over time, the tooth strengthens again. But as IEEE Spectrum notes, the silver nanoparticles could prove to be problematic, and this is probably why this treatment is offered as a cavity...