FYI: Are There Traffic Laws in Space Yet?
Space Traffic David Bases/Getty Images Only a few. Right now, the roughly 20,000 man-made objects orbiting the Earth are less regulated than the cars on a morning commute. Satellites are usually on a fixed path, so the traffic control comes prelaunch. Most can move slightly to maintain orbit, but only a few can maneuver on short notice to avoid a collision. Satellite operators make sure they know where other space objects are so that none come close enough to collide. The International Telecom Union, a United Nations agency, assigns satellites slots in a geosynchronous orbit 22,000 miles above Earth. Operators must agree to follow ITU rules and to register the orbit, broadcast frequency and purpose of their satellite. Satellite owners also register an "end of life" plan, usually giving a nonfunctioning satellite a boost into an internationally recognized "graveyard orbit." Other launches, like those for space shuttles, don't need any international body's...