Aussie Tycoon Wants to Clone Dinosaurs for His Real Life, Resort-Based Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park ... the ride. Wikipedia In other billionaire news today, a controversial and ostentatious Australian is supposedly planning a real-life Jurassic Park, complete with cloned dinosaurs. Clive Palmer, who also wants to build a modern-day Titanic replica, has held talks with the scientists who cloned Dolly the sheep, reports Australia's Sunshine Coast Daily. Palmer, a mining magnate, owns a luxury resort on the Sunshine Coast, in southern Queensland on Australia's Pacific side. He would put the dinosaurs in his new resort there, the Daily reports. There are no named sources in the article about this effort, however, with the newspaper citing someone "close to Palmer's inner circle." Other plans for the resort apparently call for a sky needle and a mega Ferris wheel like the London Eye, and a focus on clientele from the Middle East. But the cloned-dino idea is obviously the most eyebrow-raising. Palmer would not answer questions about...