25 Times Everyone Was BAFFLED, According To The Daily Mail
Ferret In A Tube! Flickr/John Mauremootoo 1) "The chemistry flops: Pupils baffled by O-level exams from the Sixties" 2) "The Chinese mummy that aged 300 years in a day: Experts baffled by 'perfectly preserved' body that turned BLACK just hours after its coffin was opened" 3) "The supermarket promotions that leave baffled shoppers paying over the odds: Study finds most customers cannot work out the best deals" 4) "The British X-Files: Natural History Museum sets up unit to investigate bizarre phenomenon - but is baffled by Somerset's mysterious 'space slime'" 5) "Who's the daddy? Scientists left baffled by find of cave-dwelling daddy longlegs with FOOT-LONG leg span" 6) "Fabled 'Chupacabra' or mutant fox poisoned by radiation? Hunters baffled by dog-like animal found in former Soviet republic" 7) "iFail! Obama baffled as he tries to make a call on an iPhone (but at least he...