To Stop Tornadoes, Build Giant Walls Between States
Safe House After Storm via RhinoSafe There aren't too many details on this, but an abstract called "Can We Eliminate the Major Tornado Threats in Tornado Alley?" appearing in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society is definitely, uh, intriguing. How are we to eliminate tornadoes? Through gigantic walls strategically placed across the country. Here's the abstract in full: The recent devastating tornado attacks in Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota raise an important question: can we do something to eliminate the major tornado threats in Tornado Alley? Violent tornado attacks in Tornado Alley are starting from intensive encounters between the northbound warm air flow and southbound cold air flow. As there is no mountain in Tornado Alley ranging from west to east to weaken or block such air flows, some encounters are violent, creating instability: The strong wind changes direction...