'Murderous' Otters Spark Internet Fight
Otter Eats An Alligator Uh, so everything you thought about otters being the cuddliest animal ever is probably torn apart after seeing this image. Crocodiles, beware: you might be next. Geoff Walsh via Facebook Where do you stand in the War of the Otters? The first volley came in the form of a post at Vox titled "The case against otters: necrophiliac, serial-killing fur monsters of the sea." In the post, writer Dylan Matthews explained various things about otters, and listed several reasons why the animals are, in Matthews' opinion, "jerks": they kill baby otters; they have (on rare occasions) attacked people, monkeys, and alligators; and they sometimes copulate with dead otters (and baby seals). Then The Dodo writer Jenny Kutner responded with a post, "5 Reasons You Should Never Believe That Otters Are Anything But Awesome,"...