Ganymede May Have Multi-Layered, 'Sandwich'-Like Oceans
Ganymede A diagram of our solar system's largest moon. NASA/JPL Here's some planetary news that could make you hungry: Jupiter's moon Ganymede may have a multi-layered ocean of alternating ice and liquid water that resembles a "club sandwich," according to NASA. This is actually what Steve Vance of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said: "Ganymede's ocean might be organized like a Dagwood sandwich." For all of those unfamiliar with reference, probably including most of the scallywag youth who don't read newspaper comics, Vance is speaking of the moon's resemblance to a character in the "Blondie" cartoon, who is fond of multi-tiered sandwiches. But enough about sandwiches. Except now I want one. It used to be generally thought that our solar system's largest moon contained an ocean with ice on bottom and top. To come up with...