Billionaire Peter Thiel Invests In The War On Aging, Detecting Spoiled Food, And More
NanoGriptech NanoGriptech created dry adhesives, which are reusable and don't leave any residue, by recreating microstructures found on Gecko toes. Earlier this year, Breakout Labs, the subsidiary organization created by PayPal co-and billionaire-investor Peter Thiel, announced a few select biotechnology startups that would receiving funding to further their ideas. Breakout Labs' mission is to invest in companies that are looking to make "radical scientific advances" mainstream, essentially boosting the best underfunded inventions to the tune of up to $350,000 (plus consultation help from Breakout Labs). Well, Breakout Labs is at again, announcing funding ventures for the second time this year. This time, the ideas range from adhesives that mimic the skin of geckos, low-cost sensors that can tell if food has gone bad, metals that repel water, and a mission to fight aging....