Scientists Stand By NOAA Administrator Who Refuses To Hand Over Emails To Congress
NOAA/Flickr CC by 2.0 NOAA Vessel Everyone wants to read other people's emails now. From the Sony Hack to the Clinton emails, there is huge interest in the words pouring between people electronically. Tussles over political or entertainment emails make headlines, but another email battle over more scientific subject matter has been going on for several months. Essentially, the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Kathryn Sullivan, is refusing to turn over internal emails between NOAA scientists to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, who has subpoenaed communication (including emails) relating to a study published earlier this year. The subpoena came after NOAA scientists published a paper in Science which showed that global warming had not, in fact, slowed down in the years since 1998. Smith, who has been outspoken in his...