Fun and fascinating science kits for kids
Expand your child's interest in science. (DepositPhotos/)We were all kids once—creative, curious, and always at the ready with a handful of questions about pretty much everything. How do magnets stick? Why is the sky blue? And do I have x-ray vision? (I didn’t.) Science continues to progress by leaps and bounds, and these days it’s easier than ever to augment our kids’ education and inspire them to keep asking the big questions. From biology and electronics to robotics and physics, grab one of these and support your child’s natural proclivity for exploration while spending some quality time together. You may even learn something yourself.Here are some of the latest and greatest science kits currently available.Gross fun with bacteria and more. (Amazon/)Pique your kids’ interest in biology and cultivate a healthy, well-rounded understanding of bacteria and germs with this funky biology kit from Scientific Explorer. Choose from six science exercises that...