Stop dirty lenses from ruining your photos
Unless you're Kylo Ren, you probably don't have an army of Stormtroopers to clean your lenses for you. So you might as well just learn how to do it yourself. (James Pond via Unsplash/)My grandmother always told me to wear clean underpants everyday in case I got hit by a car—and to keep my camera lens clean in case I needed to take a good photo.Granted, I made that last part up, but the fact that I invented it doesn’t make it less of a truth. Using a dirty camera lens is like looking at the world through a dirty window, and even a few tiny specks of dirt or rain will affect the photo you’re taking.Just look at the image below—it’s a great shot except for the blurry bit right in the middle caused by a water droplet on my lens. There are also a few other less obvious...