Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about donating bone marrow
Bone marrow transplants might sound scary, but in some cases, it's just an amped up blood draw. (Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash/)For February, we’re focusing on the body parts that shape us, oxygenate us, and power us as we take long walks on the beach. Bony bonafide bones. These skeletal building blocks inspire curiosity and spark fear in different folks—we hope our stories, covering everything from surgeries and supplements to good old-fashioned boning, will only do the first. Once you’ve thoroughly blasted your mind with bone facts, check out our previous themed months: muscle and fat.If you’ve ever given blood or signed up to be an organ donor there’s a chance you might’ve bumped into information about bone marrow donation. The procedure is shockingly simple, and for a lot of people, it’s free. For the folks out there with leukemia, myeloma, lymphoma, or other blood diseases lucky enough to...