Video cameras for indie film directors, home video creators, and Youtubers
Have you always wanted to make a short film? (Sam McGhee via Unsplash/)Your phone delivers 4K footage and it’s always in your pocket, so why on earth would you buy a dedicated video camera? Because image resolution isn’t everything and you’ll eventually run up against the phone’s inherent limitations, like tiny sensors, static lenses, and limited controls. Among other features, video cameras often have larger 4K and 6K sensors for better color, contrast, and low-light performance; an ability to use a variety of lenses to help capture a more cinematic look; and audio inputs for professional microphones. What’s more, they do so at price points that open up creative opportunities to everyone from enthusiastic amateurs to professionals. Whether you want to shoot your first indie feature, a hard-hitting documentary, or your kid’s graduation, here are four of the best cameras to make you feel like an Oscar-winner.A large sensor and...