
Wednesday th 15th of July 2009

UAE anticipates lift-off for first satellite - 14:14

Scientists warn of Ebola outbreak in pigs - 14:14

Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 2–15 July 2009 - 14:14

Scientific strategies can save dryland agriculture - 00:21

Tuesday th 14th of July 2009

Floating toilets may cut river illnesses - 12:07

Swine flu science update: 14 July 2009 - 11:35

Floating toilets may cut river illnesses - 11:35

Monday th 13th of July 2009

More support for African higher education, say ministers - 12:14

Pakistan begins revamp of science institute - 12:14

Plea for African digital libraries - 11:07

Saturday th 11th of July 2009

G8 pledges $US20 billion for agriculture - 14:07

Friday th 10th of July 2009

Bolivia debuts science foundation - 16:28

Thursday th 9th of July 2009

Flu vaccines pushed for developing countries - 12:42

China gaining ground in top international journals - 12:42

Nepal must consider environment in development plans - 11:35

Wednesday th 8th of July 2009

Mexico to boost young scientists in private companies - 16:07

South Asia News in brief: 25 June–8 July 2009 - 12:14

Cassava disease monitoring goes mobile - 12:14

Sahel nations may lose maize by 2050 - 12:14

India pours funds into climate, space research - 11:42

What are the real costs of reducing forest emissions? - 02:14

The promise and peril of REDD - 02:14

An eye in the sky watching forests disappear - 02:14

Reducing forest emissions needs good science - 02:14

Climate deals should reward wider forest management - 02:14

Reducing forest emissions: Facts and figures - 02:14

Africa needs agroforestry to cut forest emissions - 02:14

Getting REDD right for Africa - 02:14

Tuesday th 7th of July 2009

Climate adaptation 'key to Chinese poverty reduction' - 12:21

African think tanks to get funding boost - 12:21

US should focus foreign aid on food, health and water - 11:14

Monday th 6th of July 2009

High blood pressure 'on the rise' in Latin America - 20:14

China issues 50-year science strategy - 11:56

Globalisation could foster re-emergence of Chagas - 06:56

Sunday th 5th of July 2009

Subsidised access may be behind developing country research boom - 06:28

Friday th 3rd of July 2009

Open access may be behind developing country research boom - 12:14

Cairo to host next world science journalists' conference - 12:14

Thursday th 2nd of July 2009

African science 'won't be a G8 priority' - 12:56

Wednesday th 1st of July 2009

Africa takes the lead in health research partnerships - 18:00

Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 18 June–1 July 2009 - 10:49

River blindness drug enters final trials - 08:35

Science journalism: How scientists can help - 01:21

Tuesday th 30th of June 2009

Swine flu science update: 30 June 2009 - 12:35

Obama appointee could boost US–developing world relations - 12:35

The pros and cons of GM mosquitoes - 11:28

Africa Analysis: Who needs chief scientific advisors? - 07:00

Monday th 29th of June 2009

Pakistani science receives funding boost - 12:07

Mobile masts used in African weather monitoring - 12:07

Global warming may halve Bangladesh rice yields - 12:07

HPV vaccine can protect women aged 24-45 - 05:28