Science Blog

Wednesday th 25th of March 2009

Plant pathologists call for more data to support pre-harvest food safety interventions - 10:22

'Master regulator' of skin formation discovered - 10:22

Older adults concern for personal health linked to walking difficulty - 10:22

Visual learners convert words to pictures in the brain and vice versa, says Penn psychology study - 10:22

Discovery may result in new test to determine predisposition to cancer - 10:22

Imaging technique may trace development of Parkinson's disease - 09:10

Analysis of windmill pitching shows risk of injury to biceps in softball players - 09:09

Safe driving education should be part of routine teen physicals, Hopkins children's experts say - 09:08

New possibilities for hydrogen-producing algae - 09:08

Uvalde Center water research could have national, international applications - 09:08

Plant pathologists call for more data to support pre-harvest food safety interventions - 09:07

'Master regulator' of skin formation discovered - 09:07

Older adults concern for personal health linked to walking difficulty - 09:07

Visual learners convert words to pictures in the brain and vice versa, says Penn psychology study - 09:07

Discovery may result in new test to determine predisposition to cancer - 09:07

U.S. Navy scientists claim cold fusion breakthrough - 00:07

Tuesday th 24th of March 2009

U.S. Navy scientists claim cold fusion breakthrough - 21:07

Genetic changes outside nuclear DNA suspected to trigger more than half of all cancers - 16:57

Record number of patients seek laser treatments to take lightyears off their faces - 16:57

Family skeletons detrimental to healing - 16:57

AAAS, leading Texas scientists urge state board to reject anti-evolution effort - 16:56

Researchers studying hearing loss find auditory regions of the brain convert to the sense of touch - 16:56

Study finds researchers open to knowledge transfer - 16:56

Study finds program has improved health agencies' preparedness for bioterror and disease outbreaks - 16:56

Wild bees can be effective pollinators - 16:56

Cloud computing helps scientists run high energy physics experiments - 16:56

Research provides new view of the way young children think - 16:56

Record number of patients seek laser treatments to take lightyears off their faces - 11:50

Family skeletons detrimental to healing - 11:50

AAAS, leading Texas scientists urge state board to reject anti-evolution effort - 11:49

Researchers studying hearing loss find auditory regions of the brain convert to the sense of touch - 11:49

Study finds researchers open to knowledge transfer - 11:49

Study finds program has improved health agencies' preparedness for bioterror and disease outbreaks - 11:49

Wild bees can be effective pollinators - 11:49

Argonne cloud computing helps scientists run high energy physics experiments - 11:49

CU-Boulder research provides new view of the way young children think - 11:49

How to predict post-operative enteral nutrition problems - 09:44

Long-term L-carnitine supplementation prevents development of liver cancer - 09:44

South Asians with diabetes more likely to lose their eyesight earlier than white Europeans - 09:44

To fight drug addiction, UB researchers target the brain with nanoparticles - 09:44

Codeine use and accident risk - 09:43

Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology - 09:43

2 'new' greenhouse gases growing - 09:43

Starve a yeast, sweeten its lifespan - 09:43

Predicting mosquito outbreaks for disease control - 09:43

Genetic changes outside nuclear DNA suspected to trigger more than half of all cancers - 09:42

Monday th 23rd of March 2009

Licorice compound offers new cancer prevention strategy - 20:07

Columbia researchers identify early brain marker for familial form of depression - 20:07

Early agriculture left traces in animal bones - 20:07

MIT: New material could lead to faster chips - 20:07