Science Blog

Tuesday th 17th of March 2009

Regulatory molecule for tumor formation or suppression identified by Singapore, US researchers - 17:22

Grand prizes might help induce sports 'hot streaks' - 17:21

Female mammals follow their noses to the right mates - 17:21

Elephant shark genome sequence leads to discovery of color perception in deep-sea fish - 17:21

Mechanism of Alzheimer's suggests combination therapy needed - 17:21

U of I study: When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible? - 17:21

Second near-miss by Tunguska-sized space rock this month - 17:21

Grand prizes might help induce sports 'hot streaks' - 16:56

Female mammals follow their noses to the right mates - 16:56

Elephant shark genome sequence leads to discovery of color perception in deep-sea fish - 16:56

Mechanism of Alzheimer's suggests combination therapy needed - 16:56

U of I study: When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible? - 16:56

Second near-miss by Tunguska-sized space rock this month - 16:56

Fish health claims may cause more environmental harm than good: UBC-St. Michael's researchers - 14:44

Brain abnormality found in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - 14:43

EAU launches new clinical guidelines for 2009 -- kidney cancer - 14:43

Vitamin D may not be the answer to feeling SAD - 14:43

Carnegie Mellon researchers apply new statistical test - 14:43

Contrary to widely held beliefs, romance can last in long-term relationships, say researchers - 14:43

Regulatory molecule for tumor formation or suppression identified by Singapore, US researchers - 14:42

MRSA study suggests strategy shift needed to develop effective therapeutics - 12:43

Financial security, more than money alone, may be key to happiness, Princeton study says - 12:42

Engineer devises ways to improve gas mileage - 12:42

Big and small dents - 12:42

Aspirin recommendation underscores need for physicians and patients to discuss benefits and risk - 12:42

Study gives more proof that intelligence is largely inherited - 12:42

Mood player creates the right atmosphere - 11:12

Love at first aria - 11:11

Brothers in arms - 11:11

Studies show that nice guys finish first in business world - 11:11

HPV vaccine may prevent preterm births - 11:10

How big (or small) is large? - 11:10

UK robot sub searches for signs of melting 60 km into an Antarctic ice shelf cavity - 11:10

New tumor markers determine therapy intensity - 11:09

Stevens faculty release study on free-space optical communication in Optics Express - 11:09

1 in 4 Americans lacks timely access to optimal care during time-sensitive medical emergencies - 11:09

Monday th 16th of March 2009

Spreading high-speed Internet to rural areas - 19:42

Search for blood pressure secrets reveals a surprising new syndrome - 17:49

MIT: As planet warms, poor nations face economic chill - 17:49

Scripps research scientists 'watch' as individual alpha-synuclein proteins change shape - 17:49

UH sociologist has different perspective on obesity 'epidemic' - 17:49

Shifting sound to light may lead to better computer chips - 15:49

First sister study results reinforce the importance of healthy living - 15:49

New target for heart failure therapy identified - 15:49

Flies may spread drug-resistant bacteria from poultry operations - 12:42

Waking up dormant HIV - 12:42

Historical increase in corn yield -- it's in the roots - 12:42

Depression twice as likely in seizure sufferers - 12:42

Tree species composition influences nitrogen loss from forests - 12:42

Obese women play cancer roulette - 12:42