Science Daily

Thursday th 27th of August 2020

The Le Teil earthquake provides new insights on seismic risk in France and Western Europe - 15:11

Engineers use heat-free technology to make metallic replicas of a rose's surface texture - 15:11

Civilization may need to 'forget the flame' to reduce CO2 emissions - 14:11

A new method for making a key component of plastics - 14:11

Early Cambrian fossil: Bizarre half-billion-year-old worm with tentacles solves evolutionary mystery - 14:11

How sticklebacks dominate perch - 13:40

Ocean acidification causing coral 'osteoporosis' on iconic reefs - 13:40

Quantum simulation of quantum crystals - 13:40

Helminth infections common in Medieval Europe, grave study finds - 13:40

Meteorite study suggests Earth may have been wet since it formed - 13:40

Artificial intelligence learns continental hydrology - 13:11

Vertebral body tethering shows clinical success as treatment for scoliosis - 13:11

Japanese sake: the new pick-me-up? Yeast strain makes fatigue-fighting ornithine - 12:40

New tool identifies which cancer patients are most likely to benefit from immunotherapy - 12:40

Student research team develops hybrid rocket engine - 12:40

Fossil evidence of 'hibernation-like' state in 250-million-year-old Antarctic animal - 12:10

Binding sites for protein-making machinery - 12:10

Atlantic sturgeon in the king's pantry -- unique discovery in Baltic shipwreck from 1495 - 12:10

Newly discovered rare dinosaur embryos show sauropods had rhino-like horns - 12:10

Rare encounters between cosmic heavyweights - 11:11

Spouses shed more pounds together than alone - 10:50

Gut microbes could unlock the secret to healthy aging - 10:50

Are all vegetarian diets healthy? - 10:50

Call of the wild: Individual dolphin calls used to estimate population size and movement - 10:50

Playfulness can be trained - here's why you should do it - 10:50

A topography of extremes - 10:50

Majority of groundwater stores resilient to climate change - 10:20

Female chromosomes offer resilience to Alzheimer's - 10:20

Artificial pancreas effectively controls type 1 diabetes in children age 6 and up - 10:20

First complete dinosaur skeleton ever found is ready for its closeup at last - 10:20

Reduce insecticide spraying by using ant pheromones to catch crop pests - 10:20

Neutralizing antibodies appear to protect humans from coronavirus infection - 07:30

U.S. political parties become extremist to get more votes - 07:30

Wednesday th 26th of August 2020

Overlooked 'housekeeping' gene plays unexpected role in seizures - 19:11

Thermodynamics of computation: A quest to find the cost of running a Turing machine - 18:20

Progress toward a treatment for Krabbe disease - 18:20

Water efficiency achievable throughout U.S. without decrease in economic activity - 18:20

Placenta can indicate how body responds to opioids during pregnancy - 16:20

New insights into mechanism of therapy to reduce liver fat and prevent fibrosis - 15:50

Transplanted brown-fat-like cells hold promise for obesity and diabetes - 15:50

Native desert bighorn sheep in ecologically intact areas are less vulnerable to climate change - 15:23

Tethering together type 2 diabetes drugs increases efficacy of combination therapy - 15:23

Study rules out dark matter destruction as origin of extra radiation in galaxy center - 15:23

Researchers unravel two mysteries of COVID-19 - 15:23

Meteorite strikes may create unexpected form of silica - 15:23

New observations of black hole devouring a star reveal rapid disk formation - 15:23

Key immune system protein discovered in plants - 14:31

Additional data on blood thinner efficacy for COVID-19 and insight on best possible regimens - 14:31

Antarctic ice shelves vulnerable to sudden meltwater-driven fracturing, says study - 14:31

How cold was the ice age? Researchers now know - 14:31