Science NOW

Thursday th 23rd of July 2020

Simultaneous cross-evaluation of heterogeneous E. coli datasets via mechanistic simulation - 13:31

Working through grief - 13:31

New Products - 13:31

Cell growth dilutes the cell cycle inhibitor Rb to trigger cell division - 13:31

Large-scale mutation in the evolution of a gene complex for cryptic coloration - 13:31

Genomic insights into the early peopling of the Caribbean - 13:31

Itaconate is an effector of a Rab GTPase cell-autonomous host defense pathway against Salmonella - 13:31

Anomalous absorption of electromagnetic waves by 2D transition metal carbonitride Ti3CNTx (MXene) - 13:31

An evolution-based model for designing chorismate mutase enzymes - 13:31

Remote structuring of near-field landscapes - 13:31

Structural basis for membrane insertion by the human ER membrane protein complex - 13:31

Ultrahigh-strength and ductile superlattice alloys with nanoscale disordered interfaces - 13:31

Determining plasmonic hot-carrier energy distributions via single-molecule transport measurements - 13:31

The impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression in low- and middle-income countries - 13:31

The activities of drug inactive ingredients on biological targets - 13:31

Chaperone-mediated autophagy regulates the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells - 13:31

Cooperative carbon capture and steam regeneration with tetraamine-appended metal-organic frameworks - 13:31

Raising rabbit resistance - 13:31

Dogs race through development - 13:31

A stowaway in protein export - 13:31

Growing in the light - 13:31

An unusual superconductor - 13:31

Holocene forest dynamics in Africa - 13:31

Lost years - 13:31

Above and beyond antibody abundance - 13:31

Moved to metastasize by gut microbiota - 13:31

A complex dispersal into the Caribbean - 13:31

Rab32 puts itaconate where it's needed - 13:31

Learning from evolution - 13:31

A membrane protein insertion complex - 13:31

Taking the temperature of hot carriers - 13:31

Global prospects for COVID-19 control - 13:31

Autophagy regulates stemness - 13:31

Viking smallpox diversity - 13:31

Steaming out captured CO2 - 13:31

Testing biochemical data by simulation - 13:31

COVID-19 complications in South Africa - 13:31

A cell size sensor - 13:31

Calcium imaging of left-right asymmetry - 13:31

Cytokines for maintaining T cells - 13:31

Sculpting the optical near field - 13:31

Shields up! - 13:31

Strength through disorder - 13:31

Inactive ingredients may not be inert - 13:31

How stick insects got their colors - 13:31

Lessons from viruses that affect lagomorphs - 13:31

A community-led approach to COVID-19 - 13:31

Nicaragua's COVID-19 crisis demands a response - 13:31

Fiction meets the near future - 13:31

The pull of the red planet - 13:31