Squid Refuse To Be Outdone By Octopuses, Film Themselves
Friday, August 6, 2010 - 19:56
in Physics & Chemistry
Remember the octopus that stole a diver's camera and filmed itself swimming away? Ha ha ha, very nice--but it's only a few minutes of footage of only one octopus. Can you top that, Humboldt squid? Why yes, I think you can! Well okay, scientists helped out a little bit. My PhD advisor Gilly figured out how to attach National Geographic's Crittercam (which has been stuck on whales and turtles, but never before, I believe, on an invertebrate) to a Humboldt squid. It was a tricky endeavor to affix a camera to a smooth, slippery, bendy surface. Squids won't wear collars, and they have no hard shell that will take epoxy. read more