How Not To Get Your Book Deal
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 16:50
in Psychology & Sociology
The good news-- I am writing a four eBook series with O'Reilly (publishers of MAKE) on four Do-It-Yourself Space topics! Woo hoo!Now the advice portion. I occasionally have a habit of taking a more difficult path. Here is that difficult path. For the easy path, I recommend just doing steps 9-11, skip to 14-15, then close with 20-22 (marked in italics).1) Get an agent by responding to a call for authors on an IT encyclopedia.2) Offer to write the encyclopedia.3) Write 30 page proposal.4) Agent submits proposal to publisher.5) Publisher loves proposal.6) Publisher decides to stop printing encyclopedias.7) Publisher changes mind, gets back into encyclopedia business, then changes mind more