Coffee - Now 40X More Awesome Than Before, Thanks To Science
Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 10:40
in Astronomy & Space
If you're a fan of "Big Trouble In Little China" (and if you are not, either go rent it and then come back or go read "People" like you should be doing instead of visiting Science 2.0)(1) next to "Chinese people got a lotta Hells"(2) this famous exchange likely sticks in your mind. As they descend into a metaphorical netherworld on their quest (see: anything by Joseph Campbell or Bulfinch's Mythology, if you are more conservative in your reading) the following exchange takes place:Jack Burton: That is not water. Egg Shen: Black blood of the earth. Jack Burton: Do you mean oil? Egg Shen: I mean black blood of the more