Thursday th 6th of December 2012

Study casts doubt on 'killer mushrooms' - 17:50

Geography, not social media, makes friends - 17:50

Visual focus leads to buying decisions - 17:20

Apple returns Mac production stateside - 17:20

Hubble observes cosmic 'bullseye' galaxy - 17:20

DNA shows India origin for European Romani - 17:20

Flexible solar cells could be in clothing - 16:20

For jobs in 2013, bet on technology - 13:20

Wednesday th 5th of December 2012

Orbiter spots wreckage impacts on Mars - 21:00

Swimming robot crosses Pacific Ocean - 21:00

Satellites create U.S. drought maps - 20:00

Satellite offers new night image of Earth - 19:31

Study: Most mobile Web browsers unsafe - 19:00

Lockheed Martin to move 560 jobs - 18:30

Smartphones could be portable seismometers - 18:30

Fossil may be oldest dinosaur yet found - 18:01

NASA moon probes make detailed gravity map - 18:01

New coating can protect historic buildings - 17:30

Indoor lawns help students handle stress - 17:30

Study: Most mobile Webs browsers unsafe - 17:00

Galaxy study hopes to enlist the public - 17:00

U.S. Northeast records second-driest Nov. - 16:31

Invasive grass blamed in Western wildfires - 16:01

Radio telescopes could spot nuclear tests - 16:01

Gorilla extroverts said to live longer - 15:30

Astronomers see solar system being born - 15:30

Rubio clarifies comment on age of Earth - 14:00

Report: N. Korea assembles rocket pad - 00:30

Tuesday th 4th of December 2012

Mitsubishi: No more rear-projection TVs - 21:30

Gardens in space could sustain astronauts - 21:30

NASA rover completes Mars 'walkabout' - 21:00

Palace found near China's terracotta army - 20:30

'Fossil' raindrops clues to early Earth - 20:30

Space telescope sees 'starburst' galaxies - 20:00

NASA unveils multiyear Mars mission plans - 20:00

Africa's largest solar plant proposed - 19:30

Aircraft to combat African rhino poaching - 19:00

Mars trip radiation said 'survivable' - 18:00

Smartphone app gives air quality reports - 17:30

Voyager 1 poised on space frontier - 17:30

Medical sensor is temporary skin tattoo - 17:30

Brazil advances wind power development - 16:40

Earth regions 'primed' for earthquakes - 16:40

Study: Lions losing habitat across Africa - 16:10

Monday th 3rd of December 2012

Mars rover sees organic molecules in soil - 22:30

New lighting tech aimed at homes, offices - 22:00

Optical 'wrench' can move microparticles - 22:00

Hand gestures for in-car controls? - 22:00

Data suggests active volcanoes on Venus - 21:00

Snow cover in Northern Hemisphere shrinks - 20:30