Archive of articles published on the 27th of November 2012
Funneling the sun's energy
Water resources management and policy in a changing world: Where do we go from here?
Sensor detects bombs on sea floor
Evolutionary mode routinely varies amongst morphological traits within fossil species lineages
Deciphering bacterial doomsday decisions
Grapefruit–medication interactions increasing
Three new arthropod species have been found in the Maestrazgo Caves in Teruel
A rather thin and long new snake crawls out of one of Earth's biodiversity hotspots
Researcher studies 'middle ground' of sea-level change
Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts?
James' bond: A graphene/nanotube hybrid
The installed price of solar photovoltaic systems in the US continues to decline at a rapid pace
Man's best friend: Common canine virus may lead to new vaccines for deadly human diseases
Illuminating the no-man's land of waters' surface
GSA Today: Human transformation of land threatens future sustainability?
Increasing drought stress challenges vulnerable hydraulic system of plants, GW professor finds
East Asia faces unique challenges, opportunities for stem cell innovation
New review associates vitamin D with lower rates of tooth decay
How infidelity helps nieces and nephews
Princeton research: Embracing data 'noise' brings Greenland's complex ice melt into focus
NASA's TRMM satellite confirms 2010 landslides
New thermoelectric material could be an energy saver