Archive of articles published on the 15th of May 2014
In the wake of high-profile battery fires, a safer approach emerges
CEBAF beam goes over the hump: Highest-energy beam ever delivered at Jefferson Lab
How cone snail venom minimizes pain
Scientists investigate the role of the 'silent killer' inside deep-diving animals
Second opinion changes diagnosis from incurable to curable cancer
Control methane now, greenhouse gas expert warns
High-speed solar winds increase lightning strikes on Earth
West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse is under way
Stability lost as supernovae explode
Marine scientists use JeDI to create world's first global jellyfish database
Synthetic biology still in uncharted waters of public opinion
The color of blood: Pigment helps stage symbiosis in squid
First test of pluripotent stem cell therapy in monkeys is a success
How octopuses don't tie themselves in knots
Single episode of binge drinking can adversely affect health according to new UMMS study
Silly Putty material inspires better batteries
UH researchers find definitive evidence of how zeolites grow
Quantum simulator gives clues about magnetism
First 'heavy mouse' leads to first lab-grown tissue mapped from atomic life
Researchers show emissions from forests influence very first stage of cloud formation
Oldest most complete, genetically intact human skeleton in New World