Archive of articles published on the 22nd of July 2016
Does hormone therapy after menopause affect memory?
Hormone therapy for brain performance: No effect, whether started early or late
Rapid, low-temperature process adds weeks to milk's shelf life
Yale scientists apply new imaging tool to common brain disorders
Scorpionfish too deep for SCUBA divers caught by submersible turns out to be a new species
Attosecond physics: Mapping electromagnetic waveforms
Study examines opioid agonist therapy use in Medicare patients
Significant pain increases the risk of opioid addiction by 41 percent
Why do consumers participate in 'green' programs?
Predatory prawns eliminate a major parasite more effectively than drugs alone
USF researchers find dangerous bacteria after sewer spills
Three-drug combinations could help counter antibiotic resistance, UCLA biologists report
Genes find their partners without matchmakers
Lichen: Apparently happy couple really a threesome
Ancient feces provides earliest evidence of infectious disease being carried on Silk Road
Hey robot, shimmy like a centipede
Can't see the wood for the climbers -- the vines threatening our tropical forests
Borrowing from pastry chefs, engineers create nanolayered composites
NASA spots 'hot towers' in intensifying Tropical Storm Frank
NASA's GPM observes newly formed Tropical Storm Georgette
NASA catches Estelle becoming post-tropical
Newly discovered material property may lead to high temp superconductivity