Archive of articles published on the 2nd of August 2016
More is better when it comes to online product selection
If you build it, they will come
Reducing 'mean girl' behaviors in classrooms benefits boys and teachers too
Bridging the gap between the quantum and classical worlds
How 5-star online customer reviews can backfire
NASA catches visible and infrared views of Tropical Storm Howard
NASA Spots Typhoon Nida's rainfall, approach to China
NASA sees Typhoon Nida make landfall
Managing uncertainty: How soil carbon feedbacks could affect climate change
Echo templates aid mental mapping in bats
Giant forest fires exterminate spotted owls, long-term study finds
New metamaterials can change properties with a flick of a light-switch
Unlocking the secrets of creeping concrete
Patented bioelectrodes have electrifying taste for waste
Flexible wearable electronic skin patch offers new way to monitor alcohol levels
Scientists model the 'flicker' of gluons in subatomic smashups
New study supports link between alcohol advertising and adolescent drinking
Population boom preceded early farming