CBSNews - Science

Friday th 10th of August 2018

Twitter suspends accounts ahead of Unite the Right rally - 20:50

Airbnb, Lyft, Uber allowing service to be denied to white nationalist rally-goers - 15:50

Thursday th 9th of August 2018

Pence lays out plans for Trump's "Space Force" to be installed by 2020 - 19:20

Space Force is in the market for a logo and President Trump is letting Americans vote - 19:20

Trump administration rolls out plans for "Space Force" - 18:00

NASA's solar probe cleared for launch on mission to "touch the sun" - 14:30

Hackers reportedly target PGA's servers, demand Bitcoin ransom - 13:00

Grieving orca still carrying her dead calf more than two weeks later - 09:00

Wednesday th 8th of August 2018

EPA official pushes back on criticism of asbestos proposal - 18:40

Facebook reportedly seeking users' bank info - 16:50

After Elon Musk's privatization tweets, Tesla faces uncertainty - 16:20

How to watch the 2018 Perseid meter shower - 15:50

Firefighters capture video of a "firenado" - 13:50

Expedition hopes to solve mysteries about great white sharks - 13:21

Elon Musk startles Wall Street with tweet on possibly taking Tesla private - 07:00

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey explains why Alex Jones is not banned - 03:01

Tuesday th 7th of August 2018

Hackers could use facial recognition AI to sway political campaigns - 22:00

Test-driving Tesla's Autopilot: Does it actually make driving safer? - 20:30

Car assistance systems only increase safety if drivers pay attention, tests find - 18:50

Are devastating wildfires a new normal? "It’s actually worse than that," climate scientist says - 18:20

Snapchat stock pops despite drop in users - 16:30

Alex Jones and Infowars test limits of free speech online - 16:30

Biologists alarmed by decline of male green sea turtles - 14:30

"Resilience may not be enough": Why a rare sea turtle is losing its males - 08:00

Inside Ford's plan to use exoskeleton vests to prevent injuries - 07:35

Driver-assist systems may not work, insurance group warns - 07:35

Ford unveils exoskeleton vests to lighten the load for workers - 07:35

SpaceX launches Indonesian comsat - 00:31

Monday th 6th of August 2018

New York Times publishes 18-month study about climate change - 20:40

Selfies driving people to plastic surgery, doctors say - 17:00

Pentagon restricts use of fitness trackers, other electronics - 13:50

Health experts say parents need to drastically cut kids' screen time - 13:20

InfoWars fires back after Apple, Facebook, YouTube remove Alex Jones content - 12:50

Facebook removes four pages for Alex Jones and Infowars - 09:30

Sunday th 5th of August 2018

Drowning in plastic waste - 08:50

Piling up: Drowning in a sea of plastic - 08:30

Saturday th 4th of August 2018

Meet the astrophysicist who inspired NASA's first solar probe - 11:50

Friday th 3rd of August 2018

Jobs, Wozniak -- and Wayne? What happened to the third co-founder of Apple - 18:30

Who is Ronald Wayne, one of Apple's co-founders? - 18:30

Unlocking blockchain: Understanding the technology behind Bitcoin - 10:50

NASA names first astronauts to Boeing, SpaceX spaceships - 10:50

Thursday th 2nd of August 2018

Worst toxic algae bloom in years killing turtles, manatees in Florida - 20:10

Boeing, SpaceX could launch astronauts next year - 17:20

Apple crosses $1 trillion mark - 11:10

Sonos IPO: "Smart" speaker maker set for public debut - 10:50

DNA privacy dilemma: Benefits and risks of at-home genetic tests - 08:00

Forensics lab faces challenge in identifying Korean War remains - 07:30

Wednesday th 1st of August 2018

Death Valley smashes heat record for second year in a row - 21:30

Facebook chief security officer departing company - 17:30

Google reportedly plans censored return to China - 15:30