Live Science

Tuesday th 16th of September 2008

Whales Heard Near New York City - 13:42

Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Second Lowest on Record - 13:15

Social Isolation Makes People Cold, Literally - 13:15

Researchers Suppress 'Hunger Hormone' - 10:56

How Amish Avoid Obesity - 10:32

Snacks Overpower Our Best Intentions - 09:15

Judge: No Snowmobiles in Yellowstone - 09:15

The Future of America's Space Corps - 06:21

Eight-Legged Space Survivor Gives 'Panspermia' New Life - 06:21

Monday th 15th of September 2008

New Rules Advised for Hunting Gorillas, 'Bushmeat' - 19:28

One Fish, Two Fish: Red Fish, New Fish - 19:07

Prosthetic Ears Boost Hearing After Injury - 17:07

Strange 'Ant from Mars' Discovered - 16:21

How 'Kilroy Was Here' Changed the World - 15:56

Why People Ignore Hurricane Evacuation Warnings - 13:57

China Gears Up for Third Manned Spaceflight - 13:56

Possible First Photo of Planet Around Sun-Like Star - 10:59

Bees Do the Wave to Save Their Lives - 09:28

Even Plants Eat Their Greens - 09:28

Ike Remnants Blamed for 15 Deaths in Midwest - 09:07

Buyers Bemoan Launcher Prices, Availability - 06:07

Galaxy Formation: A Clumpy Affair - 06:07

Sunday th 14th of September 2008

5 Things You Must Never Forget - 20:14

Saturday th 13th of September 2008

Million-Year-Old Bone of Tiny Camel Found - 17:35

Hurricane Ike Slams Texas - 09:42

Friday th 12th of September 2008

The Fury of Hurricane Ike - 17:14

Ike Underscores Foolishness of Building on Barrier Islands - 16:49

Video - How a Surge Swamps Galveston - 15:42

History's Worst Storm Surges - 14:56

Why Ike's Storm Surge Could Devastate Galveston - 14:35

Experiment Boosts Hopes for Space Solar Power - 12:42

The Bizarre Creatures of Madagascar - 12:42

The Greatest Hurricanes Ever - 11:56

Sleep Apnea May Cause Erectile Dysfunction - 11:35

Hurricane Hunters Fly Through Ike - 10:49

Tiny 'Ships' Sail Bloodstream to Destroy Cancer - 10:28

King Tut Had Twins, But Why? - 09:35

Natural Childbirth Moms More Attuned to Babies' Cry - 08:28

Why Ike Could Be Texas' Worst Nightmare - 08:07

Near-Death Experiences: What Really Happens? - 06:14

Star Cluster to Hide Behind Moon - 06:14

Thursday th 11th of September 2008

Early Whales Had Legs - 19:56

Ancient Amphibian Had Enormous Teeth - 19:56

NASA Moves Rescue Shuttle, Prepares for Hurricane Ike - 18:28

Hurricane Ike Delays Space Station Delivery - 18:07

Time Teaches Brain to Recognize Objects - 13:35

Spiritual Beliefs Part of Health Care for Some - 13:35

Why Dinosaurs Ruled: Just Plain Luck - 13:14

Strange New Source of Bladder Pain Discovered - 12:49

Where Electronic Circuits Meet the Human Brain - 12:28