Live Science

Friday th 12th of February 2010

Monkey Business - 16:28

Why Is The Sun's Atmosphere So Hot? - 14:14

What Really Makes a Good Cell Phone Camera? - 12:42

4 Myths of Online Dating Photos Revealed - 11:08

Why Humans Walk 'Flat-Footed' - 09:56

Diamonds Are a Girl's Toughest Friend - 08:28

Thursday th 11th of February 2010

Links to Spirituality Found in the Brain - 22:21

Sweet Science: The Health Benefits of Chocolate - 16:21

Why Advertised Broadband Speeds Lag Behind Reality - 15:14

Chubby Babies Often Become Obese Teens - 14:28

Momentum Shifts to Skeptics on Global Warming Debate - 13:56

Facebook Data Reveals Secrets of American Culture - 12:28

Vaccine-Autism Link Had Long, Inaccurate History - 11:21

Cloud Computing Poised to Transform Gaming - 09:49

How Gay Uncles Pass Down Genes - 09:28

Scientists Freeze Water with Heat - 08:42

Wednesday th 10th of February 2010

Mobile Phone Use Soars - 22:07

Michelle Obama on Obesity: Good Diet vs. Fad Diet - 21:42

Genes Behind Stuttering Found - 17:14

How Hollywood Converts 2-D Silver into 3-D Gold - 16:28

Mom's Obesity May Affect Baby's Health - 15:42

Tagging Eagles with Feather DNA - 14:56

Frozen Hair Yields First Ancient Human Genome - 13:22

Happiness Makes Us Adventurous, Study Finds - 12:56

Raging Debate: Should We Geoengineer Earth’s Climate? - 11:28

Good Deeds Fuel Good Deeds - 09:14

Sweet Tooth in Children May Be Linked to Alcoholism - 00:35

Tuesday th 9th of February 2010

How is Google Buzz Different from Facebook and Twitter? - 17:35

Underdog Theory Debunked - 16:28

3-D Movies are Harder to Pirate, for Now - 16:28

Loud Music Linked to Pounding Headaches - 15:21

World's Smallest Solar-Powered Sensor Runs Almost Forever - 14:56

Olympic Medals Made from E-waste - 13:07

The Dangers of Third-Hand Smoke Revealed - 12:42

Emerging Tech Could Make Tomorrow's Cars Safer - 12:21

Want Passionate Kids? Leave 'em Alone - 08:35

Monday th 8th of February 2010

Different Colors Describe Happiness vs. Depression - 19:21

Botox Paralyzes Emotions, Too - 16:42

Who Won the Super Bowl of Tech Advertising? - 15:56

What Your Organ$ Are Worth - 15:35

Pour Out the Primordial Soup? - 15:14

6 Tips to Avoid Injury While Shoveling Snow - 14:07

Autism Rates Much Higher in Children with Older Moms - 13:21

Does Heartburn Become More Frequent as You Age? - 12:14

Teens Favor Social Media Over Blogs - 12:14

Pretty Smart, For a Swine - 11:07

Why Advertised Broadband Speeds Lag Behind Reality - 10:21

3 Simple Steps Can Cut Childhood Obesity - 09:56

Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show - 08:49

Beer May Be Good For Your Bones - 00:14