Newswise - Scinews

Friday th 8th of April 2011

Scientists Develop "Universal" Virus-Free Method to Turn Blood Cells Into "Beating" Heart Cells - 21:30

UMass Amherst Opens $5.6M Center for Foods for Health & Wellness - 15:00

Bacterial Genome May Hold Answers to Mercury Mystery - 15:00

Free Software Makes Computer Mouse Easier for People with Disabilities - 14:00

King Crabs Invade Antarctica, Could Jeopardize Cures for Disease - 11:01

Thursday th 7th of April 2011

Unprepared Cities Vulnerable to Climate Change - 15:31

ORNL's Alumina-Forming Austenitic Alloy Licensed to Carpenter Technology Corp. - 15:30

NASA's Kepler Helps Iowa State's Kawaler, Astronomers Update Census of Sun-like Stars - 15:30

Wildlife Adaptation to Climate Change Focus of New Grant Program - 15:30

Negative 'Legacy' of Invasive Plant Species Can Inhibit Growth of Native Plants - 13:00

Deep-Space Travel Could Create Heart Woes for Astronauts - 11:30

Starch-Controlling Gene Fuels More Protein in Soybean Plants - 11:30

'Paperless' Research to be Highlighted at International Conference - 10:00

NASA Telescopes Join Forces to Observe Unprecedented Explosion - 10:00

News Release Effectiveness Study Shows 93% of Research Gets Covered - 10:00

Scientists Have New Measure for Species Threat - 10:00

Wednesday th 6th of April 2011

Tufts Engineering Professor Wins NSF Career Award for Thermophotovoltaic Research - 20:30

Scripps Lecture Tracks Human Evolution through African Desert Discoveries - 14:30

Nano Fit-Ness: Helping Enzymes Stay Active and Keep in Shape - 14:00

Biologists Pinpoint a Genetic Change That Helps Tumors Move to Other Parts of the Body - 13:00

Georgia Tech Faculty Share Prestigious Computing Award - 10:00

Researchers Resurrect Four-Billion-Year-Old Enzymes, Reveal Conditions of Early Life on Earth - 10:00

Human Taste Cells Regenerate in a Dish - 09:00

La Nina Drives Down March 2011 Temperatures - 08:01

Tuesday th 5th of April 2011

Rejuvenating Electron Microscopy - 16:30

In Rice, Geneticist Studies How Nature Produces a Weed - 15:36

Cost Effective Manure Management - 15:36

Study Maps Hotspots of Genetic Rearrangement - 15:36

Story Tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge national Laboratory - April 2011 - 15:36

Cooler Heads Will Prevail in a Nuclear Crisis - 15:36

Chemical Engineering Students Develop a "Greener" Clean - 11:33

Economics, Physics Are Roadblocks for Mass-Scale Algae Biodiesel Production - 11:33

Engineering Researcher Available to Comment on Cracks and Damage to Fuselages - 11:33

World's Reef Fishes Tussling with Human Overpopulation - 11:01

Researchers Merge Serious Gaming, Simulation Tools to Create High-Level Models for Border Security - 11:01

Japan Reactor Poses No Threat to U.S. Milk Supply - 10:01

Monday th 4th of April 2011

Nanoparticles Improve Solar Collector Efficiency - 23:31

In Fireflies, Flightless Females Lose Out on Gifts from Males - 17:00

Ten Best Tips for Beginning Gardeners - 16:01

TextOre License Puts ORNL's Piranha in Its Tank - 16:01

Protein Adaptation Shows Life on Early Earth Lived in a Hot, Acidic Environment - 16:01

Researchers Link Herpes to Alzheimer's Disease; "Cold Sores" Connected to Cognitive Decline - 16:01

18th International Academy of Astronautics Humans in Space Symposium Comes to Houston, Hosted by University of Houston, NASA - 15:00

Announcing Our New Name: Brain & Behavior Research Foundation - 15:00

Patient's Own Cells May Hold Therapeutic Promise After Reprogramming, Gene Correction - 15:00

Algae That Live Inside the Cells of Salamanders Are the First Known Vertebrate Endosymbionts - 15:00

When African Animals Hit the Hay - 15:00

Researchers Uncover Four New Alzheimer's Genes - 13:00

Friday th 1st of April 2011

ORNL, Industry Collaboration Puts Spotlight on Solar - 14:40

ORNL's Pennycook Named Materials Research Society Fellow - 13:50