We could find aliens any day now—SETI scientists discuss extraterrestrial life hunting
ET phone Earth! We could be on the verge of answering one of the essential questions of humanity that has captivated our minds for centuries. As we advance in technology the search for extraterrestrial life becomes more sophisticated and promising. But the real frosting on the cake would be finding any signs of an intelligent alien civilization. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project is looking carefully for these signs, listening to the Universe that may be full of potential ET signals. In an interview with astrowatch.net, key figures of alien life hunting discuss the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life. SETI's Seth Shostak, Paul Shuch, Douglas Vakoch and Gerry Harp talk the odds of finding ETs, explain the famous "Wow!" signal received in 1977 and unveil the future of the search for aliens.