
Monday th 23rd of November 2009

Sedatives, mood-altering drugs related to falls among elderly - 17:14

Adverse heart effects of rofecoxib may have been identified years earlier - 17:14

Insomnia prevalent among cancer patients who receive chemotherapy - 17:14

A year after discovery, Congo's 'mother lode' of gorillas remains vulnerable - 16:49

Children who lack continuity with a regular health care provider miss needed services - 16:49

Moderate-to-heavy exercise may reduce risk of stroke for men - 16:49

New computer-developed map shows more extensive valley network on Mars - 16:49

Measured -- The time it takes us to find the words we need - 16:49

Rescuing male turkey chicks - 16:49

Insect resistance to Bt crops can be predicted, monitored and managed - 16:28

Invention will help speed development of drug treatments for heart failure - 16:28

Water droplets direct self-assembly process in thin-film materials - 16:28

Achieving asthma control in preschoolers - 16:07

First atoms reported smashed in Large Hadron Collider - 15:42

Google buying display ad startup Teracent - 15:42

Researcher produces, ships only H1N1 vaccine available for swine - 15:42

Peptides control crystal growth with 'switches, throttles and brakes' - 15:42

Donate your text messages to science: Texto4Science project - 15:42

Climate change could boost incidence of civil war in Africa - 15:42

The cause behind the characteristic shape of a long leaf revealed - 15:42

Gartner forecasts 2.8 percent growth in PC sales in 2009 - 15:42

Supervolcano eruption -- in Sumatra -- deforested India 73,000 years ago - 15:21

Flaxseed oil and osteoporosis - 15:21

AIDS research reveals a lack of family-planning programs in Uganda - 15:21

Consumers choose locally grown and environmentally friendly apples - 15:21

Straightening messy correlations with a quantum comb - 15:21

Drug side effects a key factor in reduced quality of life for kidney transplant patients - 15:21

Visual assistance for cosmic blind spots - 14:56

Switchgrass produces biomass efficiently - 14:56

Predicting the fate of underground carbon - 14:56

Fat around the middle increases the risk of dementia - 14:56

Computational microscope peers into the working ribosome (w/ Video) - 14:35

Competitive, trade-friendly nations weather volatile crop yields best - 14:35

Amid the flu epidemic, don't forget RSV in young children - 14:35

Exposures to metals and diesel emissions in air linked to respiratory symptoms in children - 14:14

A quantum leap forward? - 14:14

Adoption: Every child deserves a home - 14:14

Stable plaque or heart attack plaque? Researcher builds new MEMS sensor to tell which is which - 14:14

Multiple health concerns surface as winter, vitamin D deficiences arrive - 14:14

Machine Converts CO2 into Gasoline, Diesel, and Jet Fuel - 13:22

Time of day matters to thirsty trees, researcher discovers - 13:22

Racial disparity in colon cancer survival not easily explained, researchers say (w/ Video) - 13:22

Upending textbook science on Alzheimer's disease - 13:22

10 x '20: ID experts call for 10 new antibiotics by 2020 - 13:22

Burned out, depressed surgeons more likely to commit more major medical errors - 12:56

Using new technique, scientists find 11 times more aftershocks for 2004 quake - 12:56

New study links alcohol in pregnancy to child behavior problems - 12:56

Systems biology approach provides insulin resistance insights - 12:35

Diabetics show alarming increase in morbid obesity - 12:35

New discovery about the formation of new brain cells - 12:35