Latest Results from the Large Hadron Collider Do Not Look Good For the Supersymmetry Theory of Everything
Strange Beauty Decays The purple tracks show the decay of a "strange beauty" B meson, composed of a beauty antiquark and a strange quark. The composite particle decays into a pair of muons. The LHCb experiment has been studying B mesons in extreme detail and so far has not found any evidence for supersymmetry, which is one theory that explains why the universe has more matter than antimatter. LHCb/CERNMaybe not the 'toe of God' after all The latest news from the Large Hadron Collider: scientists still cannot explain why we're all here. In the most detailed analysis of strange beauty particles - that's what they're really called - physicists cannot find supersymmetric particles, which are shadow partners for every known particle in the standard model of modern physics. This could mean that they don't exist, which would be very interesting news indeed. Physicists at CERN have been studying a class of particle...