Jaguar is Getting a GPU Upgrade, to Make it the World's Fastest Supercomputer Again
ORNL's Petascale Jaguar Supercomputer The petascale Jaguar is the world's fastest computer, but DARPA wants to take computing to the next level. The new souped-up supercomputer will be renamed Titan Back in June when the latest edition of TOP500 dropped (TOP500 lists the world's top supercomputers), Japan's K Computer leapt ahead of China's Tianhe-1A supercomputer to become the biggest, baddest computing platform on the planet. But after more than a year of slipping down the ranks as its competitors across the Pacific surged ahead, Oak Ridge National Labs Jaguar supercomputer is poised to become the fastest computer in the world once more. Cray Inc., maker of the XT5-HE supercomputer at the heart of Jaguar, says it has inked a deal with ORNL to overhaul the Department of Energy computer with thousand of graphics processors from NVIDIA as well as chips from Advanced Micro Devices. The tune-up will push the peak performance beyond...