Are Cells Communicating With Each Other By Emitting Light?
Connected by Biological Photons? via Wikimedia Biophotons are optical or ultraviolet photons that are emitted by biological systems and there's long been a suspicion among some biologists that they are up to something we don't really understand (biophotons are, by the way, different than much brighter bioluminescence). The scientific jury is still out on exactly how living cells emit and carry these photons, but a researcher at the Lebedev Institute of Physics in Moscow thinks he may have found some key evidence bolstering the theory that they are a means of intercellular communication. Biophotons are produced at really low rates (a few dozen per second per square centimeter usually, far from enough to create a glow), but according to Sergey Mayburov's study of fish eggs and the patterns of biophotons that they emit, there is a discernible structure in the stream of photons emanating from cellular bodies. Periodic bursts of...