Patriotic Narcissists Are More Likely To Hate Immigrants
Anti-Immigration MikeSchinkel via Flickr Thinking "America is the best country in the world" doesn't make you that welcoming to other groups, it turns out. People who have an inflated sense of superiority about being an American are more likely to have negative attitudes toward undocumented immigrants from countries like Mexico, Cuba and Guatemala, according to a new study from the University of Texas at Arlington. It found that a combination of group-level narcissism, or feeling an inflated sense of superiority on a collective level, combined with strong national in-group identification-when a person's identity hinges on being part of a group like Americans-may cause negative attitudes towards undocumented Latino immigrants. "When you look at the rhetoric surrounding undocumented, Latino immigrants in the United States, the perspectives vary widely-from those who characterize undocumented immigrants as criminals to those who support expanding full citizenship rights," lead author Patricia Lyons says in a press statement. "We...