Science Daily

Monday th 17th of August 2020

New research will improve early warning of devastating megastorms - 21:30

North American cold-climate forests are already absorbing less carbon, study shows - 21:30

Penguins are Aussies: Or are they Kiwis? - 21:00

Findings refute idea of monarchs' migration mortality as major cause of population decline - 21:00

Targeted therapy combination effective for patients with advanced cholangiocarcinoma and BRAF mutations - 21:00

Climate change mitigation not the primary motivator in regenerative ranching - 21:00

New findings could help scientists tame damaging heat bursts in fusion reactors - 20:31

Antibiotics associated with increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease - 20:31

Postmenopausal women at risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, review suggests - 20:31

Autism-cholesterol link - 20:00

Measuring social networks of young adults with autism - 20:00

How the brain's internal states affect decision-making - 18:00

Air pollution is a driver of residential electricity demand, study finds - 17:30

New superlattice material for future energy efficient devices - 17:30

Opioid use can trigger deafness - 17:00

Why young and female patients don't respond as well to cancer immunotherapy - 17:00

Chatbots delivering psychotherapy help decrease opioid use after surgery - 17:00

Protein produced by the nervous system may help treatments for inflammatory diseases - 17:00

No limit yet for carbon nanotube fibers - 17:00

New practice guidelines on non-invasive ventilation in chronic stable Hypercapnic COPD - 16:30

Long-term exposure to traffic noise may impact weight gain in the UK population - 16:30

Graph theory: Solution t o '3 utilities problem' could lead to better computers - 16:30

Scientists use photons as threads to weave novel forms of matter - 16:30

Targeted treatment for depression could benefit patients with psychosis - 16:30

Regulation of cancer stemness by the best combination of nanotech and genetic engineering - 16:30

Designed bacteria produce coral-antibiotic against multi-resistant TB - 16:30

High schoolers' accuracy in classification of their peers - 16:30

Contextual engineering adds deeper perspective to local projects - 16:30

Rotating microscope could provide a new window into secrets of microscopic life - 16:30

New kind of interaction discovered in hydrogen-producing enzymes - 16:00

Energy-efficient tuning of spintronic neurons - 16:00

A new treatment concept for age-related decline in motor function - 16:00

Future mental health care may include diagnosis via brain scan and computer algorithm - 16:00

New diagnostic criteria shine light on early dementia mimics - 16:00

Does city life make bumblebees larger? - 16:00

Gene targeting helps overcome the resistance of brain cancer to therapy - 16:00

Experiments replicate high densities in 'white dwarf' stars - 16:00

Naturally occurring antibodies against prion proteins found in humans - 16:00

New model for pricing carbon will help meet net-zero climate change goals - 15:30

COVID-19 hospitalizations analysis shows disparities across racial and ethnic groups - 15:30

New study reveals strength of the deep ocean circulation in the South Atlantic - 14:30

New research reveals effect of global warming on Greenland ice melt - 14:30

Global warming is changing our plant communities - 14:30

Where lions operate, grazers congregate ... provided food is great - 14:30

Equatorial winds ripple down to Antarctica - 14:30

Researchers track slowly splitting 'dent' in Earth's magnetic field - 14:30

Cosmic gas cloud blinks in sync with circling black hole - 14:01

Widespread electric vehicle adoption would save billions of dollars, thousands of lives - 14:01

Survival of the fit-ish - 14:01

Mixing silk with polymers could lead to better biomedical implants - 13:01